Enjoy the latest episodes from MacStories’ family of podcasts:

Comfort Zone

Niléane has entered her keyboard era, Chris has a consumer warning as well as a really good macropad, and then we find the best games on the Mac.

MacStories Unwind

This week, a little Cajun cooking, behind-the-scenes of the launch of NPC XL, another great British spy drama, and a classic sci-fi deal.

Magic Rays of Light

Sigmund and Devon grade their predictions for the 97th Academy Awards, discuss the process and benefits of converting films and shows to 3D, and recap the latest Apple Immersive Video release: Deep Water Solo.

Comfort Zone, Episode 39, ‘I’m Sick, I Have a Sickness’ Show Notes

Weekly Topics

Other Things Discussed

Follow the Hosts

MacStories Unwind, ‘From Red Beans and NPC’s Expansion to British Spies’ Show Notes


John Cooks Red Beans and Rice

Introducing NPC XL – More NPC, Every Week

  • NPC: Next Portable Console is now weekly for everyone. Enjoy a new episode packed with handheld gaming news and other topics every Tuesday.
  • NPC has a new YouTube Channel. Please subscribe.
  • We introduced NPC XL, a brand-new, members-only version of NPC with extra content, available exclusively through our new Patreon at $5/month.
  • NPC has joined the TWG Discord server with a dedicated channel for community feedback and participation.


Unwind Deals

MacStories Unwind+

We deliver MacStories Unwind+ to Club MacStories subscribers ad-free and early with high bitrate audio every week.

To learn more about the benefits of a Club MacStories subscription, visit our Plans page.

Magic Rays of Light, Episode 159, ‘3D Video Conversion and Deep Water Solo’ Show Notes


3D Video Conversion

Apple TV News

Trailer Talk

Apple Original News

Immersive Recap

TV App Highlights

Up Next

Send us a voice message all week via iMessage or email to [email protected].

Subscribe to Magic Rays of Light on YouTube and follow us on Mastodon and Bluesky.

Sigmund Judge | Follow Sigmund on Mastodon or Bluesky

Devon Dundee | Follow Devon on Mastodon or Bluesky

MacStories launched its first podcast in 2017 with AppStories. Since then, the lineup has expanded to include a family of weekly shows that also includes MacStories Unwind, Magic Rays of Light, Ruminate, Comfort Zone, and NPC: Next Portable Console that collectively, cover a broad range of the modern media world from Apple’s streaming service and videogame hardware to apps for a growing audience that appreciates our thoughtful, in-depth approach to media.

If you’re interested in advertising on our shows, you can learn more here or by contacting our Managing Editor, John Voorhees.